Solar has been increasingly embraced as a way of combating rising electricity costs and alternate to fulfill energy demands. Both government and publics are taking initiatives by going solar to improve their bottom line while doing something that’s good for the environment.
Hospitals relies on electricity for crucial loads such as medical equipments and other essential loads.
Solar PCUs designed by Enertech UPS has been successful in meeting energy demands and saving electricity costs of users of various applications in Hospitals, Government Offices, Petrol Pumps, Educational Organizations etc.
At Dr. Pullu Clinic hospital, Arunachal Pradesh, has been successful in saving electricity cost and meeting energy demands.
What made Dr. Pullu Clinic to go solar
Being located in remote geographical location, Dr. Pullu Clinic was experiencing poor supply of electricity and top of that voltage variations. Dr. Pullu contacted our dealer, West Bengal for a solar solution. Our dealer, who has made several solar plant installations using our Solar PCUs, recommended our product as a solution.
Dr. Pullu Clinic was explained on our PCU functinality, FAB analysis and how to make use of features available in PCU as per requirement.
After studying the site conditions and load usage pattern, a proper solution was given to Dr. Pullu Clinic and complete installation was made in a short while.
Now, Dr. Pullu is very much happy with the PCU performance and over all plant performance. And consistantly saving the electricity cost and became more energy independent.
This is how a hospital in one of the remote locations of Arunachal Pradesh went SOLAR!!  
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